Botconf 2018

Red Teamer 2.0: Automating the C&C Set up Process

Red Teamer 2.0: Automating the C&C Set up Process Botconf 2018 Friday | 09:50 – 10:10 Charles Ibrahim 🗣  This talk follows the amazing documentation provided by Steve Borosh (@424f424f) and Jeff Dimmock’s (@bluscreenofjeff) on their dedicated repo.Besides, it follows several experiences of red team operations leveraging the tips issued by these authors.We will describe

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WASM Security Analysis Reverse Engineering

WASM Security Analysis Reverse Engineering Botconf 2018 Friday | 09:20 – 09:50 Guangyuan Zhao 🗣 | Tiejun Wu 🗣 WebAssembly(WASM) is a new technology designed for browers. It aims to define a portable, size- and load-time-efficient binary format to serve as a compilation target which can be compiled to execute at native speed by taking advantage of

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