Laurent Beslay
Last known affiliation: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, IPSC

Apostolos Malatras 🗣 | Laurent Beslay
Abstract (click to view)
Mobile botnets are an emerging security threat that aims at exploiting the wide penetration of mobile devices and systems and their vulnerabilities in the same spirit of traditional botnets. Mobile botmasters take advantage of infected mobile devices and issue command and control operations on them to extract personal information, cause denial of service or gain financially. To date, research on countering such attacks or studying their effects has been conducted in a sporadic manner that hinders the repetition of experiments and thus limits their validity. We present here our work on a hybrid experimental platform for mobile botnets that supports the execution and monitoring of related scenarios concerning their infection, attack vectors, propagation, etc. The platform is based on principles of flexibility, extensibility and facilitates the setup of scalable experiments utilising both real and emulated mobile systems. We also discuss a novel method of estimating the active bot population in a botnet and illustrate its deployment on the experimental platform.
Pasquale Stirparo 🗣 | Laurent Beslay 🗣
Abstract (click to view)
Due to the substantially different ecosystem we have to deal with when it comes to mobile security, it makes it harder to detect and react to malware attacks if using conventional techniques. We introduce the concept of Participatory Honeypot, a privacy-by-design system where users becomes partner of the collection of meaningful information subsequently used for the analysis
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